We are the youth!
We love our students! They have embraced Colossians 2:6-7 "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught and overflowing with thankfulness." This moment in life can be both amazing and hard, and our community of students have shown love for each other and for spreading the love of Jesus to our community and beyond.
Mission Statement
Westside Youth Ministry guides teens
to receive Christ Jesus as Lord
to become rooted in Christ
to grow in the faith
and to overflow the world with God's love.
Parents Stay Connected....
The Teen Connect is a weekly newsletter with highlights of upcoming events and helpful reminders to help you stay connected to Youth Ministry.
Wednesday Nights:
6:30-8:00 pm -- Midweek gathering for students is probably the one event that best defines our student ministry. Teens participate in worship, interact and receive messages from special speakers and the Youth Pastor, and have lots of fun!
Sunday mornings:
9:30 am -- Morning worship services are composed of singing contemporary worship music, fellowship and message.
11:00 am -- Teen Discipleship Classes provide a creative learning environment for teens to be rooted and built up in Jesus Christ.
Teen Involvement
Servanthood Projects
Vision (Why do we do it?): All teens at Westside have a servant's heart like Jesus Christ (1John 13:1-7)
Purpose (How do we do it?): Provide teens opportunities to serve like Jesus in our church and community modeling it alongside of others in the youth ministry and our church.
Serve Teams
Our teen serve teams provide teens an opportunity to serve and lead in youth ministry. They provide space for teens to discover and grow their spiritual gifts, talents and abilities that God has given them.
Driftwood Ministry
(Ages 18-29)
We believe that community is essential to spiritual growth and vitality. Through our Young Adult Ministry we have an environment to grow in your relationship with God and with others through weekly gatherings, friendships and events throughout the year.
Sunday Worship at 9:30am in the Sanctuary
Sunday Discipleship Session at 11:00am in Room 406
Bible Study, Wednesday evenings:
6:30-8:00pm -- Young Adult Discipleship Fellowship & Meeting
Contact Pastor Jacob Colahan at for more information.